Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The longest day

This past weekend was action packed to say the least. We had to clean the house where we stayed for the first 6 weeks and find a new apartment to rent. On the morning of our big move (you would be surprised  how much stuff you accumulate here in a short amount of time) we had a minor setback... In the disgusting disease and mosquito ridden thing that is the pool in the old house was a flailing bird. The poor Pajarito had fallen in and could not fly out. He was filthy. Kyria jumped in to rescue the evasive bird who did not want help.  

We washed him. He bit Kyria. 
All clean! 
Shortly thereafter he escaped again but at least he was clean and could fly. Happy ending. 

This is our empty new apartment. It is 4 blocks from the Kingdom Hall and 1/2 block from at least 4 families from the hall.  It gets beautiful light and lots of fresh air.  We cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. Taylor scrubbed the fridge and sink so much that now her hands are shedding the top layer of skin. We walked back and forth between the 2 houses 3 times. ( About a mile each way, however feels like 6 when your carrying a table and chairs and or 10 packs of flour and 10 packs of noodles ) we will explain bulk buying later. We will post pictures of our apartment all completed soon. We hope. 

At the end of this long day we were delighted to find a Mariachi band serenading us below our balcony.  It was such a pleasant surprise. 


  1. Hey its Leah!
    The apartment looks so rad girls! I miss you guys so much but i'm so happy you guys are safe and having a blast! You make me and Jehovah so proud.
    Email me at leah_c93@yahoo.com. I wanna send u a copy of my pioneer picture :D
    XOXO to you both!
    Love ya!

    ps, kyria, i would have saved that birdie too! Good job mate!

  2. Hi girls have you looked at the App Store lately ?

  3. And have you heard anything about the annual meeting?? Check out what's the number one app in the apple store.
    And lastly, are the 2 heroes alive from that epic bird battle??

  4. That was the most ungrateful bird ever �� nice rescue! :)
