Friday, October 11, 2013

¡Que Lastima!

Here are some pictures of our finished apartment: 

Taylor's room

Living room 


Dining room. 

It WAS beautiful. Great natural light and air flow. Why am I talking in past tense you may ask? Well let me tell you...

We decided to move into this place on a Friday. We went to the city and purchased a fridge and an oven and moved all of our belongings to our new apartment. We cleaned like mad for 3 days straight. Taylor got real sick on Wednesday when we decided to go shopping for more items needed in the apartment. This shopping place is no place to be trifled with. It is called Barrio Lindo. It is huge and very easy to get lost. Anything you want you have to bargain for and fight for a good price. It was probably about an hour and a half in, when Taylor was arguing with a lady about a bed set Kyria wanted that Taylor went green and felt the fever come on. We rushed through the rest of the shopping and when we got home Taylor had a high fever. Kyria forced pills into her and she slept for a long, long time. 
Just as Thursday comes along and Taylor feels better our landlord is showing the upper apartment to some people. We had weary suspicions and knew something was not right. 15 minutes later the land lord comes in and tells us we have to move out... He is breaking the contract and we have less than a week to find a place. He had a better offer...This is when Taylor's illness seems to resurface in full force thinking about how it took us 6 weeks to find a place. Lots of prayers and minor heart attacks later we found another house. The next morning we found a delightful little house right next to the Main plaza which is prime real estate. The owner trusts foreigners so he lowered his price for us and is in the middle of fixing up minor problems in the house. The downside is that it is situated right next the the massive Catholic Church which at this very moment is having some kind of Rock and roll party. 

Positives: we have a better land lord. 
Closer to our territory.
More character. 
High vaulted ceilings. 
Gardening space. 
Doors that almost close( we are trying to make a positive out of a negative)

Things we miss from the other apartment:
Natural light
Separate bed rooms 
Hot water.
Super clean with no bugs ( so really it's not that bad. Only minor adjustments...)

The carpenter telling Taylor how bad the wood is in the our new house. You have to fight with the windows to open or close them. 
Taylor is just a few inches taller than this carpenter...
Potential nice garden 
Our first dinner in our new house. Kyria, Julia and Nina. These are the girls whose house we watched for the first month. Kyria made pesto and Taylor made French bread. 

More pictures of the new house to come soon. Sorry for the long wait. Moving twice in one week while being sick was quite the experience. We are sooo glad it's over. 

Ciao amigos!

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