Saturday, October 19, 2013

Look out!!! It's a Toucan!

This is Guambe a kind of resort that we visited for a day(the frenchies decided we needed a break from Cotoca)
It was beautiful. It was green(unlike Cotoca) and had big clean beautiful swimming pools(Taylor and I thought we may have forgotten how to swim but it turns out it came right back to us)
It was a great day

This was my favorite part of the day because it's the first time I (Kyria) have seen a toucan they are incredible birds BUT what made even more special is that I think this toucan decided that it wanted Taylor's lovely long hair to make a  bird nest and decided to chase her around the place and attack her twice. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Even if nothing else good happens in Bolivia I will be satisfied.

- Ahem!! I (Taylor)would like to interject here. This being attacked by a toucan was no laughing matter. Imagine that huge beak coming at your head... Thank goodness Kyria came to my rescue and Smacked the thing with her backpack. Toucans may or may not be an endangered species...Don't worry he is still alive. After we got home that night I did some deep reflection on my past bird experiences... Here is why I should keep my distance 1) apparently Kerina says I had an experience in Belize but I can't remember. I must have blacked out...
2) Perth in Western Australia- a magpie dive bombed my head as I was coming home from work...
3) Grafton Australia- I had more unpleasant magpie experiences at the Carroll's house. 
4) Rabid toucans 
 Whoa to me if I ever am around a Condor or an Albatross! At least This peacock was very pleasant. The peacock and I made friends because I apparently know 100 of it cousins in Palos Verdes California. 

Lots of butterflies

French butterfly (or papillon)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have seen that toucan attack, milinda says sorry about that
