Sunday, September 8, 2013

Paílon part 2

7 am at the Rocas house. Kyria brought a to-go coffee in an old jalapeño jar. We are finding, or shall I say, hunting down Mexican food here. (I guess this is time to confess that Taylor is dearly missing the Santa Monica Spanish congregation along with all the good Mexican food...) 

This is the street where the meeting hall of Jehovah's Witnesses is located in Paílon. ( it's not a Kingdom Hall yet) there is a strange make shift harness on this cow and its darling baby trailing behind. 
This is Karen. She has been such a huge help to us here in Bolivia. Making sure we know where we are going, helping us learn the language and is planing a welcoming dance party on a Monday night. 
Before the meeting we did two Bible studies that went super bueno! we also sweated so much walking we thought we were inappropriate for the meeting. After the meeting in Paílon we had a congregation/someone's anniversary party churrasco. ( not sure how to spell that but it means BBQ) other foreign brothers and sisters were there and they ate the meat so we went for it. It was Soo good! I love it when we can eat with the Bolivians. We have not gotten sick yet from the meat. 

This little girl is adorable. But don't be fooled she eats like a wolf who has not been fed in a month. No fork needed she goes for the huge BBQ pieces of meat with her hands. 

What you see here is our speakers motorcycle in the back of a wagon. Our speaker this morning was a Bethelite who was giving his first public talk out of his hall. Of course on his way back he gets a flat tire and has to be carted away to get it fixed. 
Hermano Hikaru came barreling down the scary highway on his Moto carrying his toolkit to come and help but was a little too late. Good effort though. 

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