Tuesday, September 10, 2013

French Revolution

From left to right you see Sandrine, French sister visiting Bolivia from her assignment in China, Hamlet( sandrines husband), Mateo and the Kyria-myster. 

We made dinner for these four French brothers and sisters who have all been serving here in Bolivia for years. ( save the visitor who left Bolivia to go serve in China) The whole night was a big mix of English, Spanish and French. We all managed to get our points/ stories across. The visiting sister(who I really regret forgetting her name at this point) knows a friend of Kyria and I who we met in Perth Australia. That was a neat connection to make. 

We made a great pasta and had brownies. Might I say, for as much as the French like to make fun of Americans( like they did tonight), they sure loved those Brownies and kept asking for more. 

Kyria and I are pretty determined to pick up French while we are here. Considering at least a quarter of the brothers here in Cotoca seem to be need-greaters from France, I don't think it should be hard. 

1 comment:

  1. Prend l'initiative à apprendre français quand tu a la chance ;) u won't regret it
