Saturday, April 5, 2014


We spent 3 days in Sucre (the capital of Bolivia) We are used to dirty dusty streets, extreme heat and deathly looking street dogs. So this is what we were expecting when we got to Sucre.  HOWEVER... It was quite the opposite... It was a lovely 23 degrees Celsius there was zero sewage to be smelt also the canines were very healthy looking and on leashes walking with their owners. We almost forgot we were in Bolivia except for all the cholitas running around and the fireworks being let off every 10 mins because of some protest.
We visited the Centro congregation and were warmly welcomed, this cong has over 240 studies being conducted...How amazing!!! The metal thing in the middle of the picture above is an imitation Eiffel Tower which you can climb. If that's not a token of their civility I don't know what is. 

Sweet little Sucre goodies. Fried dough with cane sugar. Quite tasty. 

The fruit they sell here is what we think they had in the promised land.  notice the Pineapples are the same size as the watermelons behind them. Almost...

They have cheesy blue lit up fountains!

Kyria didn't want to leave... Poor Lion she didn't let go of him for a while. 

Farewell sucre until next time.

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