Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our Dog Mia (Until the owners return)

This is Mia. She is an amazing canine. She sits on command, jumps through hoops, shakes your hand and even dances with you. She protects us during the night and during the day she takes advantage of us by getting herself let in the house whenever she pleases. When she is not putting on a show in order to get her way she is ripping apart Crocky. Crocky is the green remains of what was at one time a stuffed animal. (Look by her feet in the second picture) when I say ripping apart I mean that she shows NO mercy to the toy. Sometimes we hear a huge uproar from the chickens and roosters on our property and we look out and see Mia chasing them around with a look of pure happiness on her face. She often steals the eggs from the poor chickens and eats them. She does have an incredibly shiny coat because of it. 

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