Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Back in Bo-Lives (say it like an Aussie)

This is just a few hours after we arrived in Bolivia. We are on our way back to the infamous Pailon to visit bible studies and go to the meeting there. We tried to not show how jet lagged we were... Did it work?

This is Yanet. She is 10 years old and she is very smart. We did a review of 8 chapters in the good news brochure and she answered every question with no hesitation. 

Kyria keeps the young ones busy with Caleb videos and after when they show her how they can ride bikes she playfully just pushes them off... Somehow they still really like Kyria...( kyrias response,"that's because I am likable Taylor!")

Cool things we found or had given to us- Kyria found a cool stick bug. 

I was given a huge cherimoya. A return visit climbed up their huge tree to get that for us. We showed our appreciation by getting it all over our faces as we tried to eat it walking to our next return visit. 

At the meeting in Pailon (40 people attended!) the once crazy and loud Greta had just fallen asleep. The poor thing just tuckered herself out coloring. Kyria was on the other side being very jealous because she wanted to sleep too.  

1 comment:

  1. This is Dee. I just posted that other comment. Forgot to sign my name. Keep up the good work. We miss you so much.
