Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome to Cocha!

At last we have time to fill you in on some of our latest adventures. Most have to do with Cocha (Cochabamba). Not only is the food amazing in this city but it is also full of the following: high altitude that causes Taylor to faint(we were at an elevation of over 2000 ft), adorable children, cholitas tearing up the dance floor and double weddings. That's right! Why only have one couple when you can have two!
I forgot to mention it also has a very large Jesus. It's actually bigger than the one in Rio Brazil. It's just not as famous. 
Seeing double... This was after we had waited over an hour for them to show up. Bolivians have their own time schedule that's for sure. 

This is Celine and Julien. They are a French couple serving in Cotoca. The same congregation as us. They are really looking after us and making sure we are safe. Julien gave the wedding talk for the two happy couples. 

Once at the reception we waited another almost 2 hours for them to arrive again. We had to pass the time somehow... Lots and lots of pictures and trying to understand this adorable little girls Spanish. This is Stacy and Andy. 

They taught us some pretty important things like:
Pray before you drink your whole bottle of Fanta and potato chips. 
How to put as many chips in your mouth as possible and still be able to talk. Really amazing trick she does. 
And last but not least how to tear it up on the dance floor doing their traditional dance using napkins. 
This cholita sister taught us a thing or two on the dance floor as well. 
What did they dance to you may ask?... Well... I would have to answer truthfully and say... Beauty and the beast. Yes, yes, the Disney song. 
Also when two couples get married it means you get to have 6 cakes!


  1. Milinda and Isabella love the dancing and the cake

  2. The girls are coming over with 6 month visas

  3. Mom says she loves your hair and wishes she could post comments.......just imagine the points a guy could get teaching his wife how to blog........

  4. davis and ian had fun looking at this picture and your comments... ;) -vero
