Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A blog is for blogging right?...

We are alive. Just busy but very much alive. 

We had our 2 day assembly here in Santa Cruz and it was a long weekend of trying to understand the Bolivian speakers. After the session we helped to put away the 1,086 chairs... Not that we had to count them exactly... Oh wait, we did! Good thing "Strong Man" Isaias was there to get things put away faster. 

After my bird attack I felt compelled to make a slight change to this altoid message. I hope it works for me. 
The outside auditorium. 

This was the bathroom cleaning team. Which meant cleaning up after the Bolivian sisters after they would throw water everywhere while washing their hands and sometimes bathing their babies in the sinks...
Brothers from our congregation and the PaĆ­lon group. 
Me, Kyria, a sister from Northern California who serves in bethel, the district overseers wife and a sister who accidentally fell asleep while taking the picture.